Abbreviation for Light Emitting Diode. A light-emitting diode (also known as a luminescence diode) is an electronic semiconductor component. If a voltage with the right polarity is applied to an LED a current flows, thereby emitting light. The colour of the LED light emitted is dependent on the semiconductor material used. LEDs are increasingly replacing classic illumination, such as fluorescent and neon lighting. The main advantages of LED lighting are energy efficiency and a longer life time.
LED illumination
Illumination of advertising elements using LEDs.
LED letters
Letters illuminated with LEDs
LED technology
Illumination using LEDs as a light source
Legal framework conditions
In order to install advertising elements in public areas, a variety of laws and regulations must be observed. In most cases a building permit is required. Alpha Signs produces complete planning documents and manages the necessary building application until the necessary building permit is granted.
For lighting, a distinction is made between lighting and illumination. In the case of lighting, a light source lights an object from the outside. Illumination is achieved by backlighting the object, resulting in a higher brilliance.
Light displays / transparencies
A backlit display frame or case standalone or wall mounted. Double or one-sided design.
Light showcases
Single- or double-sided backlit display cases suitable for advertising with a poster or translucent slides.