You don‘t get a second chance to make a first impression. This is especially true for illuminated advertising, whether it’s lit or unlit, by day or by night, inside or outside and for 365 days a year. For us quality and reliability are not only a question of production. Quality for us starts with the selection of materials and production processes. We pay special attention to long-term safety, reliability and functionality. This ensures a reduction in your operating costs whilst maximising your image.
With our production capability we provide solutions for individual projects as well as large series implementations. We manufacture illuminated advertising signs, pylons and displays as well as signage and sign-post systems. We also supply solutions to shop fitters and for general advertising solutions.
Our manufacturing capability includes screen printing, vinyl lettering, vacuum forming, plastic processing, machined letter manufacturing, metal and stainless steel processing, electrical installation, LED optimisation and painting.
Our production capabilities are based on in-house trades, which work hand-in-glove with one another, thus enabling us to realise the most technically demanding projects within a short period of time.