Indoor signage
This includes signage for general information indoors, floor and conference room designators as well as signs for doors, etc.
Information signs
Illuminated or unlit signs, which are usually used as part of a wayfinding solution within a building or in a building complex.
Illuminated advertising
Illuminated signage
A generic term for permanent signage, whose core features are the longevity and the use of lighting to enhance the appearance. As part of brand communication, the illuminated signage should fit into a company’s overall architectural concept (also known as Corporate Identity).
see Permanent signage installations
Illuminated signage implementations nationwide / Europe-wide / Worldwide
Some large illuminated signage manufacturers (such as Alpha Signs) with a finely tuned manufacturing and assembly capability, together with a professional service network are able to implement Corporate Identity (CI) upgrades or implementations not only country wide, but Europe wide and even world-wide and can manage, follow and document these in real-time in an inhouse monitoring system, available for the customer
see also Alpha Location Management