With the “EcoCat” project, Alpha Signs supports specific customers within system catering to save their energy costs. This project is supported by the Department of Science and Energy (BMWi).
By installing intelligent sensors (Smart Meter Gateways) it is possible to measure consumer energy consumption at source and to visualise it in real-time. With this technology, it is possible to infer consumer behaviour, to develop a basis for energy saving measures and to implement additional value-added services for the consumer. Alpha Signs can accompany you, as a customer, through the entire process and approved subsidies can be provided to you as needed. That’s how we can save energy together!
Want to know more? Get in touch with us! More information about this exciting product can be found at: https://www.bafa.de/DE/Energie/Energieeffizienz/Einsparzaehler/einsparzaehler_node.html